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Advanced Security Member Portal v2.0
With over 15'509 members the Astalavista.NET Security Member Portal is the largest security community on the net! Don't waste your time by searching the net! Become now an Astalavista member and find what you need! All about Computer and Network Security!

- Easy access to over 7'811 security/hacking tools
- More than 6,03 GB of data
- Vulnerabilities Database
- Online Investigation Tools
- Security Newsgroups/Mailing lists archive
- Contests (Wargames server)
- Moderated and very active messageboards
- Daily updated, fast downloads
- Unique files and Ebooks
- High availability
- and many more cool features...
- Find out the Top 10 reasons why you should join!

Join the community now and save up to 30% only this month
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Recommended Downloads

We suggest you try out UseNeXT - dsl speed downloading, anonymous & 100% legal access to the usenet. Over 80 TB available in the following categories:

- Movies (964,421 files available)
- Mp3 charts (486,904 files available)
- Games (8,042,782 files available)
- Applications (207,141 files available)
- much more ...


Special Offer: 3 GB FREE !

Site of the Week

Hack-a-Day Hack a Day serves up a fresh hack each day, every day from around the web and a special how-to hack each week.

Paper of the Week
A new magazine from the community for the community is born: Obsidis. Obsidis is a scientific/underground magazine that focuses on research in ITC security. Papers about any topic related to the following, but not only, are encouraged:
- security, cryptography, hacking, cracking, security software engineering, phreacking

The project is managed by Rosiello Security in conjuction with members of Astalavista.NET, Packetstorm Security and Blacksun who make up the Committee. Obsidis will be realized thanks to the community's articles with a priodical call for papers. Original papers are solicited for submission to Obsidis #1 by 1st September, 2005.

DEADLINE: 12th December, 2005.

Notification of acceptance or rejection will be sent to authors by 19th December, 2005. We welcome your contributions!

Tool of the Week

EULAlyzer v1.0 EULAlyzer can analyze license agreements in seconds, and provide a detailed listing of potentially interesting words and phrases.

Astalavista Security Newsletter

Astalavista's monthly Security Newsletter is our contribution to the security scene. Featured news and commentary, recommended security tools and security documents, free security consultation, enterprise and home users security issues and exclusive interviews with folks from the scene presented in an entertaining way - check out Issue 20 and consider subscribing yourself!

Inside Astalavista
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Your Opinion!
Do you believe breaking strong encryption, monitoring you, or actively intercepting and retaining huge amounts of data, is justified for the sake of protecting you against terrorism?
I'm certain - the techniques I use to encrypt all my data stream are invincible, and no, it isn't justified!
There's no such thing as cyberterrorism. The term has been greatly promoted by my government to increase intelligence budgets.
Who's "Watching the Watchers" in this case?!
You gotta be kidding me, I'm ready to sacrifice some privacy as I believe today's digitized world can be fully utilized by cyberterrorists, to recruit, propagate, plan and communicate, so keep on datamining

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